Be part of my paranormal romance novel Heart of Power: Awakening of the Siren

After a lot of work, the new version of Heart of Power: Awakening of the Siren will be launched on 8. October. Do you like the new cover?

Here are a few of the reader’s favorite quotes. Please hover over the image and click on the icon to SHARE them :)!

Until 8. October, a pre-order deal is going on, where you can order the paranormal romance novel to a discounted price and receive three more fantasy novels for free on top (just send your pre-order receipt to

Here is the link to Heart of Power :

Now, have fun sharing these quotes and spread the word about the special book deal 🙂

paranormal romance

urban fantasy

Awakening of th Siren full moon vampire

heart romance novel

novel by s.l. giger

Here is the link to HOP1 again: